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Getting started

The main feature of the companion Slack app, flagging messages for possible leeks, uses both message reactions and message shortcut actions.

Via message reactions

React with the :leek: or :leeks: custom emoji on any channel where the app currently resides.

Via message shortcut actions

In any message, hover over the message on the desktop and click More actions or hold it on mobile to show the options menu then select More message shortcut

A screenshot of a Slack message's context menu pointing to "More message shortcuts..."

At the shortcut selector, search for Flag as leek from the Hack Club Leeks app (use the production one and not the development instance).

In the "Use a shortcut" popout, the cursor points toward "Flag as leek" shortcut from the production Slack app.

What happens behind the scenes?

Released under the MPL-2.0 license for the code and CC-BY-SA-4.0 for the docs.