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Project maintainers

These are the people behind the review queue for flagged leeks behind the scenes and those maintaining the codebase.

Current / Active

Andrei Jiroh Halili

Andrei Jiroh Halili BDFL, lead maintainer, Hack Club Alumni 2025



Boba Drops Reviewer at Hack Club HQ

Adrian T

Adrian T

Leeks Bot Review Queue team member and Hack Clubber

Mahad Kalam (Skyfall)

Mahad Kalam (Skyfall)

Leeks Bot Review Queue team member and Hack Clubber



Leeks Bot Review Queue team member and Hack Clubber

Samuel Fernandez

Samuel Fernandez

Leeks Bot Review Queue team member and Hack Clubber, also Nest admin

Shubham Panth

Shubham Panth

Engineering at Hack Club HQ

Inactive / Retired

These maintainers are either inactive for at least 3 months or retired from the review queue team and/or project maintainenance.

Joining the maintainers team

To join the @leeksbot-review-queue-team user group on Slack and grant you maintainer permissions to the repository, you need to:

  • be a active Hack Clubber with at least few hours of coverage between timezones
    • People at the HQ/HCB/Fire Department can join to help reviewing flagged leeks to avoid accidentially leaking PII and other things as needed.
  • proficient in using TypeScript and build Slack apps using Bolt.js
  • follow the Community Code of Conduct and Hack Club CoC

If you're up, contact Andrei Jiroh, join #leeksbot-meta channel, or file a new issue in the repository's issue tracker.

Released under the MPL-2.0 license for the code and CC-BY-SA-4.0 for the docs.